Suppress Konsist Test

The @Suppress annotation serves as a powerful tool to control lines and static analysis tools. When writing the Konsist test, there might be instances where the specific guard is not applicable due to certain project-specific reasons. The @Suppress annotation can be used to ignore those particular issues, ensuring that the codebase still adheres to the overall linting standards

In Konsist the @Suppress annotation parameter name is derived from the name of the test to be suppressed. For example - this test verifies if every API declaration has KDoc:

fun `every api declaration has KDoc`() {
    // ...

The name of the test is every api declaration has KDoc, so we can suppress this test by using one of these arguments:

  • The name of the actual Konsist test -@Suppress("every api declaration has KDoc")

  • The name of the actual Konsist test was prefixed by konsist - @Suppress("konsist.every api declaration has KDoc"). This is helpful if you have multiple lines in the project and want to know which linters own a given check (check that needs to be suppressed)

In the below example, @Suppress annotation is applied to author property:

package com.myapp.api

 * Represents a simple `Book` entity.
interface Book {
     * The title of the book.
    val title: String
    @Suppress("konsist.every api declaration has KDoc")
    val author: String

Suppression without konsist.prefix also works (@Suppress("every api declaration has KDoc")). However, using the konsist.prefix is advised as it links the Suppress annotation to a specific tool. This ensures clarity on whether a particular suppression relates to a Konsist test.

When using @Suppress annotation, it's advisable to apply it to the smallest possible scope to ensure that only the intended warnings are suppressed, so other potential issues aren't inadvertently overlooked. In the above example, the @Suppress annotation was applied to the property.

If broader suppression is necessary, you can then escalate to the interface level:

package com.myapp.api

 * Represents a simple `Book` entity.
@Suppress("konsist.every api declaration has KDoc")
interface Book {
     * The title of the book.
    val title: String
    val author: String

As a last resort, if multiple elements in a file need the same suppression, the @Suppress annotation can be applied to the entire file:

@file:Suppress("konsist.every api declaration has KDoc")
package com.myapp.api

 * Represents a simple `Book` entity.
interface Book {
     * The title of the book.
    val title: String
    @Suppress("konsist.every api declaration has KDoc")
    val author: String

Suppressing Kotest Test

Konsist has no way of retrieving the name of the current Kotest test (unlike JUnit).

See the Kotest Support page.

To allow suppression (and correct test names) it is recommended to utilize the name derived from the Kotest context using the testName argument:

package com.api.test

class UseCaseTest : FreeSpec({
    "useCase test" {
            .assertTrue (testName = {  }

To suppress such tests use the test name prefixed with konsist.:

package com.api.controller

@Suppress("konsist.useCase test")
class MyUseCase {
    ... // code

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