Enable Full Command Line Logging

Boost command line output

When running using non- Dynamic Konsist Teststhe default command line output contains only the test name:

> Task :konsistTest:test

UseCaseKonsistTest > every use case has single public operator function named 'invoke' FAILED
    com.lemonappdev.konsist.core.exception.KoAssertionFailedException at UseCaseKonsistTest.kt:26

2 tests completed, 1 failed

> Task :konsistTest:testDebugUnitTest FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

To be able to see full exception log containing invalid declaration file path and line number enable exceptionFormat in Gradle testLogging:

tasks.withType<Test> {
  testLogging {
    exceptionFormat = TestExceptionFormat.FULL

Now log output provides all informations relevant to pin point the invalid declaration:

> Task :konsistTest:test

UseCaseKonsistTest > every use case has single public operator function named 'invoke' FAILED
    com.lemonappdev.konsist.core.exception.KoAssertionFailedException: Assert 'every use case has single public operator function named 'invoke'' was violated (25 times). Invalid declarations:
    /myproject/usecase/LoginUserUseCase.kt:6:1 (LoginUserUseCase ClassDeclaration)
    /myproject/usecase/GetLocationUseCase.kt:8:1 (GetLocationUseCase ClassDeclaration)
2 tests completed, 1 failed

> Task :konsistTest:testDebugUnitTest FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Last updated