For dynamic tests, Konsist can't obtain the current test's name. Test name may be correctly displayed in the IDE, however, the testName argument should be provided to enable:
Correct test names are displayed in the log when the test is failing
The testName argument should be passed to assertX methods such as assertTrue , assertFalse etc. Let's look at the code:
Konsist.scopeFromProject() .classes() .assertTrue(testName ="My test name") { ... } //passed test name
Here is the summary of test frameworks:
Testing Framework
Pass testName?
Not required
Not required
Here is a concrete implementation passing he testName argument for each test Framework:
JUnit 5 introduced native support for dynamic tests, however, it also supports static tests. For static test testName does not have to be passed as it can be internally retrieved by Konsist.
JUnit 5 introduced native support for dynamic tests, allowing tests to be generated at runtime through the @TestFactory annotation.
classSampleDynamicKonsistTest {@TestFactoryfun`use case test`(): Stream<DynamicTest> = Konsist .scopeFromProject() .classes() .withNameEndingWith("UseCase") .stream() .flatMap { useCase -> Stream.of(dynamicTest("${} should have test") { useCase.assertTrue(testName ="${} should have test") { it.hasTestClass() } },dynamicTest("${} should reside in ..domain.usecase.. package") { useCase.assertTrue(testName ="${} should reside in ..domain.usecase.. package") { it.resideInPackage("..domain.usecase..") } }, ) }}
Kotest provides robust support for dynamic tests, allowing developers to define test cases programmatically at runtime, making it a flexible alternative to traditional JUnit testing. It is recommended to utilize the name derived from the Kotest ( context as the value for the testName argument:
classSampleDynamicKonsistTest : FreeSpec({ Konsist .scopeFromProject() .classes() .withNameEndingWith("UseCase") .forEach { useCase ->"${} should have test" { useCase.assertTrue(testName { it.hasTestClass() } }"${} should reside in ..domain.usecase.. package" { useCase.assertTrue(testName { it.resideInPackage("..domain.usecase..") } } }})
To facilitate test name retrieval you can add this custom koTestName extension:
val TestScope.koTestName: Stringget()
JUnit 4 does not natively support dynamic tests; tests in this framework are typically static and determined at compile-time, so there is no need to pass testName argument.